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张鹏飞 ZHANG Pengfei

作者:       发布: 2023-09-20      来源:



张鹏飞,北京航空航天大学教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才。主要从事微流控、单细胞打印技术和智能打印技术研究,致力于研发具有原创性的国际前沿技术、解决精准生物制造和精准医疗等领域中的关键问题。曾发现并揭示猪笼草口缘液体连续定向输送新现象,发表中国机械工程学科首篇Nature论文;研发耐高温仿生防粘微创手术器械,解决了微创医疗手术器械软组织粘连的关键难题。提出并研发了微流控单细胞分选打印技术,入选 "2020年生物设计与制造领域高影响力文章""2020 年十大最值得关注的生物 3D 打印研究";基于微流控技术研发出系列智能化、微小化打印技术,实现了可控的高精度、多材料及原位打印,克服了传统打印技术存在的诸多瓶颈难题,受邀在Trends in Biotechnology撰写微流控生物打印前瞻性综述。代表性研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在NatureAdvanced MaterialsTrends in BiotechnologyBiofabricationLab on a Chip等高水平期刊上。




出生年月: 19897

电子邮件: zhangpf@buaa.edu.cn

个人主页: https://shi.buaa.edu.cn/microfluidics/zh_CN/index/201033/list/index.htm



北京航空航天大学         机械工程及自动化            本科          2008.9 ~ 2012.7

北京航空航天大学         机械制造及其自动化        博士          2012.9 ~ 2017.7



加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF  Abate实验室     博士后        2017.11 ~ 2022.9

北京航空航天大学         88038威尼斯     教授         2022.9   ~  至今









1)制造工程基础 - Fundamentals of Manufacturing(本科生课程,英文)

2)先进加工技术 (本科生课程)

3)科技论文写作 (研究生课程)



1. Pengfei Zhang*, Congying Liu, Cyrus Modavi, Adam Abate, Huawei Chen. Printhead on a chip: empowering droplet-based bioprinting with microfluidics. Trends in Biotechnology, 2023. (in press)


2. Congying Liu, Yuhe Chen, Huawei Chen, Pengfei Zhang*.  Droplet-based bioprinting for fabrication of tumor spheroids. International Journal of Bioprinting, 2023.


3. Pengfei Zhang, Linfeng Xu, Huawei Chen, Adam R. Abate*. Flow cytometric printing of double emulsions into open droplet arrays. Lab on a Chip, 2023, 23 (10): 2371-2377.   (Cover article, selected as "Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2023"reported by RSC)


4. Pengfei Zhang, Xiangpeng Li, Jennifer Chen, Adam R. Abate*. Controlled fabrication of functional liver spheroids with microfluidic flow cytometric printing. Biofabrication, 2022, 14: 045011.


5. Pengfei Zhang, Kai-Chun Chang, Adam R. Abate*. Precision ejection of microfluidic droplets into air with a superhydrophobic outlet. Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21 (8): 1484-1491.   (Cover article)


6. Pengfei Zhang, Adam R. Abate*. High-definition single-cell printing: Cell-by-cell fabrication of biological structures. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(52): 2005346.   (selected as "2020 high-impact publications in the BDM area" by Bio-Design and Manufacturing, "2020年十大最值得关注的生物3D打印研究" selected from "2020年近千篇生物3D打印研究成果")


7. Pengfei Zhang*, Guang Liu, Deyuan Zhang, Huawei Chen*. Liquid-infused surfaces on electrosurgical instruments with exceptional antiadhesion and low-damage performances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(39): 33713-33720.


8. Pengfei Zhang, Liwen Zhang, Huawei Chen*, Zhichao Dong*, Deyuan Zhang. Surfaces inspired by the Nepenthes peristome for unidirectional liquid transport. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(45): 1702995.


9. Pengfei Zhang, Huawei Chen*, Li Li, Hongliang Liu*, Guang Liu, Liwen Zhang, Deyuan Zhang, Lei Jiang. Bioinspired smart peristome surface for temperature-controlled unidirectional water spreading. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(6): 5645–5652.


10. Huawei Chen †*, Pengfei Zhang †, Liwen Zhang, Hongliang Liu, Ying Jiang, Deyuan Zhang*, Zhiwu Han, Lei Jiang*. Continuous directional water transport on the peristome surface of Nepenthes alata. Nature, 2016, 532(7597): 85-89. († Co-first author, ESI highly cited paper)
